A stun gun case for your phones.

This case – the yellow jacket case is protective device ingeniously hidden in the phone case.With just a flip of a switch an assaulter is hit by 7 million watts of electricity enough to take him aback and let you escape.

Image result for yellowjacket case


Concealed inside Yellow Jacket is a loud, powerful self-defense tool. Yellow Jacket houses a rechargeable battery that doubles the life of your phone.A durable PC & ABS plastic case protects your phone from damage.The sharp electrodes that come out can penetrate clothing for maximum effect.

Why would anyone need it?

It is an unfortunate truth, crime is on the rise.

But there is hope. 89% of attackers are unarmed, using their bare hands to over power a victim. Statistics show that 86% of people who fight back with physical force escape with minimal injury and 99% of people who fight back with an effective weapon survive a violent attack.

The Yellow Jacket is a powerful stun gun that attaches to your phone. One less thing you have to think about each day as you walk out of the door. Empower yourself to be prepared for every situation.

In case of India where women are not safe,this should be considered a necessity for them during their night shift works  or while coming home late , giving peace to our minds that our daughters and girls will be safe.

This video should prove why is this effective.

Credits: the Unbox therapy for unboxing it and helping the viewers.

article by Giri1412

Smaller than your Thumb! The world’s Smallest Phone.

The Zanco tiny t1 is the smallest fully functional mobile phone in the world. This innovative phone was  designed and developed by Zini Mobiles Ltd

The Zanco tiny t1 is the smallest fully functional mobile phone in the world. This innovative phone was  designed and developed by Zini Mobiles Ltd

  1. Nano size phone
  2. Sync contacts and music with your mobile phone
  3. Mono color screen
  4. Voice changer
  5. 3 days standby time
  6. Nano sim
  7. Bluetooth 3.0 connection
  8. Store 500 contacts

It has a voice changer you can be a man,woman,child,old person,young child or a robot too.It is smaller than a ketchup packet,same size as that of a Coin. It has a micro USB cable to charge it up.It’s cost is around US$ 55 which is about Rs.3988 .The buttons are way smaller than our fingertips.People can use it in parties or function to amaze other people.It is a novelty item to begin with.The productivity stuff like texting is a nightmare.

True not anyone would go for such small phone but if you are a collector , this should be in your gallery.

Gift this little dude to any of your tech enthusiastic friends and watch them say how this phone is too cute and adorable.


By Giri1412


To be an Emcee at Indywood 2017

Indywood Talent hunt is conducted with commercial outlook to identify the talented young Indians and guide them properly to choose their career at the campus / school level itself while providing an opportunity for the shortlisted ones to get exposed to the Film Industry during Indywood Film Carnival and perform in front of the Professional Film Fraternity so that the best among them can get a direct entry to the film world without any conventional hurdles.
The annual Indywood Talent Hunt is a confluence of creative talents from India’s student community held at the Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. Every year over 2500 Finalists participates in 25 creative disciplines. Events including Short Film Making, CSR Video Making, Documentary Film Making, Music Video, Music Production, Educational Video, Photography, Animation, VJ, RJ, DJ,Music Band, Indywood Got Talent, Best Reporter/Journalist, Best reporter, Model Hunt, Best Film Club, Poster design, Online Promotion etc.

Today we were able to grab an interview with a prodigy Emcee from Indywood sharing her experience with us.

Shambhavi Nitya is a girl from Loyola Academy pursuing her B.A. Mass Communication and is in her 2nd year.She had the grand opportunity to be an Emcee or an anchor at the Stardom event.


Thank you Shambhavi to join us at “We Are” – The People itself have a story to Share.

P.S. I am so proud of my Junior.All The BEST!!



By Giridharan DMC 20 (a..k.a. Giri1412)

Anurag DMC 13


“Loyola Academy provides specially-abled children with different facilities , treat them no less than any other student”.

Loyola Academy Degree and PG college , situated at Alwal is one such college which has been breaking the stereotypes , especially in regard with helping the physically disabled or to be called the ‘Specially abled’ students studying in the college.

As they say there is no limit for the ones who are talented , Loyola Academy provides all the different and required facilities to the students who are specially abled.

May it be providing elevators or may it be providing wheel chairs , ramps and suitable wash rooms to the physically disabled , the college has always been helpful to them.

Authorities in college have been responsible enough in regard to the physically abled children and have taken care of them in all the aspects.

In a recent set of interviews with the principal of the college , Rev. Fr. P. Anthony and one of the senior most faculty , Mr. Stephen , we had discussed about how the specially abled students and faculty are treated in the college premise and what are the future plans in regard to any developments in the college for them.

Here we have an interview by Anurag Mallick and Mr. Stephen. Mr Stephen has shown immense spirit of brotherhood towards the specially abled and given a positive message to us.


Rev.Fr. P. Anthony ,The Principal of Loyola Academy has shown his strong sense of responsibility towards the specially abled students and has considered them highly capable and says that they must be treated  with and given the respect that they deserve.

Here we have a message from Rev.Fr.P. Anothony

Later on , we also had the opportunity to speak to one of the specially abled staff members in college , Mrs Madhavi where she shared her experiences in the college and how cooperative had the college been to her in all the aspects since the last 14 years and so on.

Here we have an audio byte from Mrs. Madhavi who is a specially abled herself and has shown great courage to come forward and speak.She is  highly recognized in the college for the effort and hard work she puts in her work like no other staff. Her Dedication towards her work is unparalleled to no other staff according to her colleagues.

From all the interviews that we have collected one thing is clear.Loyola Academy does follow Humanitarianism.

“Hogwarts School of Magic gives help to those who needs and deserves it.”, a quote from J.K. Rowling’s Book is very well applied here at Loyola Academy as it feels apt.

It has been more than a decade since when Loyola Academy has turned in to an disable friendly institution , setting an ideal example for all the other institutions in the city and all over the country as well as the world.

A human being should be treated accordingly and also should be given the respect they deserve no matter how they are and who they are irrespective of their physical appearance.

Being moral and also humble enough to the ones who deserve defines one character and how responsible they are towards the society.

Loyola Academy has been one such institution which has been doing this selfless service since decades and shall continue to do so in the coming times with better facilities.

By Anurag and Giri1412



Interview by Anurag

Video and Editing By Giri1412

Thanks to Our Lecturer in Charge – P Abhishek Paul

Special Thanks to The following guests

Mr Stephen , Rev. Fr. P. Anthony  and Mrs. Madhavi



Nero’s Guests with P. Sainath review by Giri1412

Nero’s Guests
“It was never about Nero, but the issue was Nero’s guests!” Who were Nero’s guests, after 5 and half years of covering farmer’s suicides, I think I finally have my answer.”
Nero’s guests is a documentary by Deepa Bhatia with The Hindu Rural Reporter.
Who is Nero that Sainath refers to?
Nero was a was the last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He is also responsible for the Great Roman Fire, known for tranny and the gruesome deaths of many Christians.
Sainath takes a tour of Vidarbha one of the rural areas where farmer suicides were on red alert zone.
To an unknown reader, there might be a question of why a farmer would commit suicide but it’s not just one farmer, the scale escalated to hundreds and thousands.
A bit of Statistics is in order. In India 60% of people are still dependent on agriculture. 836 million Indians live on less than 50 cents a day. Nearly 200, 000 farmers have committed suicide since 1997, driven by debt and distress.
Now that’s a terrifying number! How come we have never heard of this, I for one have never heard of it initially. Therefore Nero’s guests is a must watch documentary to fill us in on the unheard and unfortunate events. the mainstream media hardly reflects this reality. We have correspondents for every field including fashion, Page 3, Bollywood, but we don’t have a poverty correspondent. What does it say about our society?
Now what could be their motives behind such events?
Sainath including several scholars, journalists and researchers have pointed several reasons, ranging from monsoon failure, high debt burdens, genetically modified crops to government policies, public mental health, personal issues and family problems.
What can be done to prevent this?
Sainath once answered during a questioning session which I truly agree-
He said” If the government had even the brains to come and just look at the events, they would have arranged for a compensation package to alleviate the farmers.
NO! They look out for the upper sects. Of society not, the ones who are suffering. When a billionaire has lots a few lakhs of Rupees people will go and see him/her immediately, BUT! When a man who has hardly any earnings commits suicide, it takes them years to come and a huge paparazzi must be established to even notice it.
One of the parts that I felt very disturbing was during the LAKME Fashion show when the ladies were asked to advertise and raise awareness on the suicides, they raised awareness in a way they cared about portraying themselves to improve their status rather than honestly requesting the public to notices the issues.
True the message was boosted but my opinion of the participants is that they just did the Vox pox for the sake of it and not truly mean it.
Another factor that Sainath mentioned was Students from the farming background had to drop out from college and school and help at the farms. There are many who’d love to study while we don’t acknowledge the fact we are being educated must be valued. They would do anything to get educated. Not being educated causes serious trouble as they don’t know what do in such situations ,whom to approach ,whom to question etc.
No electricity was given to agrarian society while 24/7 continuous electricity was supplied to the urban population.
“20 mins of power cut in the urban sector can give 2 hours of power to the rural areas”
We act as though electricity lost for five minutes is too much, then what about the farmers they get electricity only an hr a day.
The suicides have increased drastically over the years. In 1998, it was one suicide a week, by 2002 it was one a day. Then in every district one heard of 2-3 deaths. This has increased to 6-8 suicides each day.

Although the poor and the farmers go hungry and starve to death in India, there is surprisingly a huge amount of food wastage. According to the 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI), India ranks 63rd, out of the 78 hungriest countries, substantially worse than neighbours like Sri Lanka (43rd), Nepal (49th), Pakistan (57th), and Bangladesh (58th). Statistics have indicated that food spoilage in wholesale markets is hindering food availability. For example, a fresh vegetable is sold at Rs.10 while a delay in arrival means a decrease in the price and a cut and a huge loss to the vegetable dealer and the farmer.
All the wastage that the urban sector incurs is precious to the rural sector. Rural sector is a desperate situation and nobody even bothers only a handful of people know the truth. The farmers who are still struggling wish for this “I wish to reborn as a European Cattle”.
How pathetic is the situation? Is the govt so busy that they cannot even drop by the 90% of agrarian country?
Exporting everything from India to the world. We export so much when the country itself needs the exports.
Banks are not able to help and say their hands are tied when they remain free and lazy and turn a blind “ear” to screams of the dying children and lives of the Agricultural society.
In short, while one half of the population is starving and dying of hunger, the other part is busy in wasting food to extensive amounts. The loop that closes here is while Nero did burn prisoners, slaves and poor to illuminate his feast, there were a bunch of people who wined, dined and made merry in the glowing light of burning bodies.

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